Athlete mentors make such a difference in our program (apply below).

Our athletes mentors support and encourage our participants, creating a sense of connection and community through their 8-week program and beyond. 

Guidelines for ARC Mentors:

Your role as a mentor is to support ARC participants (by answering questions, helping to keep them on track if they so desire, sharing your own journey as applicable and providing encouragement) in their running journey and to be a source of positivity and motivation. We leave it up to you to determine the best way to support your athlete (which we encourage you to determine when you introduce yourself).

Responsibilities include 1-2 touch points with your athlete per week, which could be via text, IG message, email, or phone call. Communication with your athlete's coach/physical therapist is highly encouraged, as it helps the athlete greatly to have a team working together to help her succeed. We also rely on you to communicate any needs you feel your athlete has to the rest of her team (i.e. if they are having pain reach out to the physical therapist, if they are overwhelmed with their training reach out to the coach, etc.).

ARC will provide some weekly prompts for these touch points, but we want you to connect in the best way for you and your athlete! As far as time commitment, it is what you want to make it...could be no more than anhour/week.

In the words of one of our ARC mentors, "she (the participant) gives me more light than I give her some days." This is a powerful way to connect with and support your fellow women.  

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